what do you fear?


Many people claim to be unable to understand math, but what does it really come down to? Some students lack the confidence to tackle math and become downright afraid of the topic. Sure, complex formulae and long problems would stress anyone out, but there is a way to overcome this. Solving equations is similar to toppling a fear that one has. The problem must be isolated, broken down, and examined. As with an irrational fear, one may soon realize that math isn’t as challenging as they made it seem.

Certain people may actually have a learning disability when it comes to math, however. This goes beyond the dread of the subject and makes it difficult for the brain to distinguish larger numbers. Dyscalculia affects about 6% of the population. It makes visualizing numbers more difficult for the brain, thus making mathematics seem impossible.

There is one equation relating fear to math and it is:

It is a quantitative analysis of the relationship between predation and food for animals. Animals must sacrifice safety for food when foraging, being that they are vulnerable. It shows that when fitness is low and the amount of food that can be gained is high, the fear is lowered. This is not only relevant to animals, and was witnessed during the “Stalingrad Effect”. During WWII, the soldiers under siege in Stalingrad were weakened by their enemies and running low on food. They did not give in, however, and proved to be fearless in the face of adversity. 

(also picture) http://equation-of-the-month.blogspot.com/2011/02/fear-equation.html
